Inchem Tokio

Inchem Tokio

From September 17, 2025 until September 19, 2025

At Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokio, Japón

Publicado por Canton Fair Net

INCHEM TOKIO 2025|日本能率協会

The next INCHEM TOKYO will take place from September 17th through September 19th 2025.The event will take place at the Tokyo Big Sight East Exhibition Building. Please contact us for any inquiries or requests of materials.

Next event is coming soon! Please contact us using the below information. 03-3434-1988.

El próximo INCHEM TOKYO está programado para llevarse a cabo en el edificio de exposiciones Tokyo Big Sight East el miércoles 17 de septiembre.

Se celebró una mesa redonda con expositores sobre el proyecto especial INCHEM TOKYO2023 "Cómo INCHEM puede cambiar el mundo: Carbono Neutral y DX".

Se ha publicado el proyecto especial INCHEM TOKYO "Cómo INCHEM puede cambiar el mundo, Carbono Neutral y DX".

El 23 de mayo se envió vía correo electrónico al responsable el ID de Expositor y la contraseña de Mi Página de Expositor.

Inchem Tokyo 2023 had a deadline of March 31st, 2023 (Friday), however we've received many inquiries about companies who have fiscal years that ended in March and would like to exhibit using their budgets for the next year. This is the period for the exhibition. We have extended the deadline for submitting exhibitor applications until Friday, April 28, 2023. This decision was made after careful consideration by the secretariat. Please take advantage of this opportunity and actively consider exhibiting. Please contact INCHEM TOKYO if you have any further questions.

We have updated our benefits of exhibiting ("Shin Inchem – Venture & Academia", "How INCHEM Will Change the World - Carbon Neutral & DX").