Repensar la fabricación inteligente

From September 29, 2024 until October 01, 2024

En Berlín - TITANIC Chaussee Berlín, Berlín, Alemania

Publicado por Canton Fair Net

| Fabricación inteligente

Optimizing Plant, Asset, Workforce & Industry 4.0 Management. 23. Maritim proArte Hotel, Berlin. What will the manufacturing industry of the future be like with its multi-complex challenges and all-encompassing digitization?Manufacturing industry faces major disruptions and changes. The status quo is no longer enough. The "smart manufacturing megatrend" is being created by machine learning and AI-driven innovations, such as advanced analytics, automation and trends like predictive maintenance. Smart factories are enabled by the transition from traditional automated systems to fully-connected ones. This transforms the entire production process. Smart factories, with their ever-increasing technology innovations, are creating new business models which can respond quickly to change and provide intelligent products and services.The Rethink! Smart Manufacturing was designed to assist manufacturing leaders in reimagining, strengthening, and reinventing their businesses. We address today's most pressing challenges: skills shortages and supply chain bottlenecks.Up to 150 business leaders will be present and available for discussion on how intelligent manufacturing affects every aspect of the business. They will also discuss the latest trends and technologies, as well as the impact of automation in factories, artificial intelligence, robotics and operational excellence. Talk about opportunities for your company and production. Optimize your resilience, and strengthen the future. One thing is for sure: Changes always present both a challenge as well as an opportunity.We look forward to meeting you in Berlin!

Smart Factory: ¿Qué es el entorno de producción de red completa? ¿Qué es la Fábrica Inteligente y Optimizada para Datos?