BIOFACH Arabia Saudí

BIOFACH Arabia Saudí

From November 11, 2024 until November 13, 2024

En Riyadh - The Arena Riyadh Venue for Exhibitions, Provincia de Riyadh, Arabia Saudita

Publicado por Canton Fair Net

عن المعرض السعودي للمنتجات الحلال

Descripción general de la Exposición Halal 2024. Exposición Halal 2024. Obtenga comentarios en vivo sobre su negocio. Crear nuevas oportunidades de ventas comunicándose con nuevos clientes. Una comunicación directa con los clientes. Lo más destacado de la Expo Halal 2022.

La mayor exposición de productos halal que se celebrará en Oriente Medio, Norte de África y Norte de África.

Unified platform to highlight the latest developments on the global halal markets and challenges faced by the halal industries, such as classifications, standards, and compliance. It is also a good opportunity to highlight the latest innovations and research in the halal sector.The most prominent international and local companies will be able to take advantage of opportunities that go beyond halal. These include halal food, medicine, medical devices and finance. Other areas covered are modest fashion, personal hygiene, cosmetics and environmentally friendly technologies.The focus of the exhibition is to support the most prominent international and local companies in their search for innovative and sustainability initiatives that will enhance the growth of the halal economic system.The event is not limited to the MENA area, but also supported internationally by the participation of international pavilions, ranging anywhere from government agencies to trade committees, from industry experts to leaders in the industry.

La Exposición Internacional Saudita de Productos Halal ofrece la oportunidad de descubrir qué quiere y qué no quiere su mercado objetivo. La exposición es el entorno perfecto para probar cómo reaccionan los visitantes y participantes ante cualquier cambio o actualización que planee realizar en su empresa halal.