Exposición Cosmofarma 2025

Exposición Cosmofarma Bolonia 2025
From April 11, 2025 until April 13, 2025
Bolonia - BolognaFiere SpA, Emilia-Romaña, Italia
+39 02 390901
(Verifique las fechas y la ubicación en el sitio oficial a continuación antes de asistir).

Cosmofarma, el evento de referencia para el mundo de la farmacia | cosmofarma

Cosmofarma: Transforming Pharmacy through Performance and Human Value.

Cosmofarma Exhibition. Cosmofarma Exhibition, the leader event for the Health Care and Beauty Care sectors and for all Pharmacy – related services  Wishing to exhibit? Media Collaborations. Request information about Cosmofarma Exhibition. Project and management. In collaboration with.

If you're visiting Cosmofarma, the leading event in the pharmacy world, it's crucial to embrace the concept of performance not only as a quantitative measure but as a qualitative transformation, intertwining empathy and passion in every aspect of your professional journey. Adaptation and innovation are key in today’s fast-paced world, especially in pharmacy, which serves as more than just a health service—it's an evolving ecosystem of opportunities that needs to be thoughtfully evaluated and appreciated.

The butterfly symbolizes the continuous transformation of this ecosystem, embodying the balance between today and the potential of tomorrow. The metaphor of the Butterfly Effect highlights that even minor changes or actions by individuals in the pharmacy sector can lead to substantial improvements and impacts on a larger scale. In this context, stakeholders can drive meaningful change by contributing shared value commercially and socially, fostering an environment where every action counts toward greater collective success.

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Por favor regístrese en el sitio web oficial de Exposición Cosmofarma

Mapa del lugar y hoteles alrededor

Bolonia - BolognaFiere SpA, Emilia-Romaña, Italia Bolonia - BolognaFiere SpA, Emilia-Romaña, Italia


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